Welcome to LitecoinP2Pool.com. We are a friendly Stratum based SegWit compatible P2Pool Mining Pool. Happy Mining!

Our pool has been upgraded to support the latest litecoin software that has implemented a major update with MimbleWimble (MWEB)

No Registration is required. You can start Mining immediately by using the cgminer settings below

cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://litecoinp2pool.com:9327 -u YourLTCAddress -p anypasswordyouwant

Server: litecoinp2pool.com | Port: 9327 | Username: Your LTC Address | Pass: Any Password You Like

Local rate
( DOA)
Expected time to share
( minutes)
total ( orphaned, dead) Efficiency:
Payout if a block were found NOW
Pool rate
( DOA+orphan)
Share difficulty
Node uptime
( hours)
out, in
Current block value
Expected time to block

Local Shares

Global pool speed

Best share:

Verified heads:


Verified tails:


IDTimeHash / Explorer linkShare
AddressAmount ()
LitecoinP2Pool.COM - Lets Eat Some Blocks
Donations: ltc1qjfayv7he3ee76gp8k7f43xdz9qt0eq6qa93ee2